Friday, October 24, 2008


so. for the first time ever, i've been struggling a lot with my grades. what am i supposed to do????

=( I'm so depressed. Well, not really. It's more that I'm very disappointed in myself.


Steph said...

:-( I'm sorry to hear that!!! I think that it's really hard to sudy when you're as busy as our group is... Maybe a little more relaxation time is whatcha need! (And a nice cup of tea.)

Ayah said...

College is a completely different environment. I think the most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself; almost everyone does worse than they expect to in their first few months of college. Also, take advantage of the resources Tulane offers. A lot of students are too proud to go into tutoring and writing centers because in high school tutoring was only for the 'not-so-smart' kids. In college, though, tutoring is for everyone so don't be afraid to give it a try for some of your tougher classes.

Steph said...

I totally agree with Ayah on the tutoring thing! I NEVER had any kind of tutors in highschool, but every person I know in college has seen the Student Learning Center for tutoring. It's totally normal, and absolutley helpful!

Rebecca said...

I'm having trouble with my grades and keeping up on stuff too. I don't really know how to help you, but it's only you're first term of college, and you can always get better your next terms. And give yourself a break, you're still adjusting. Going to college is like culture shock, only without the culture ;)